Thursday, February 7, 2008


Hi again! Sorry I've been posting so much about products its just that I use alot of them and I feel like they could help other people like they help me. Well anyways Emergen-c is a product that you take when you feel sick, are sick, or there is a sickness going around. Its a powder that you stir and put in your drink and it makes it sorta fizzy. Then you drink it and it helps you get over your sickness or prevents you from getting sick. They come in over 7 different flavors. They are all yummy too! Here is the website for them! Click here! They really work! I have been using them for a while now! Sometimes I have those groggy, icky days when I don't feel good and I drink one of these and it makes me feel much better! Please check them out!
Have a fabulous day!


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